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Thread: Open Mic Magazine 6th Edition

  1. #1
    ...nxiwT Twixn...'s Avatar
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    Open Mic Magazine 6th Edition

    Open Mic Magazine 6th Edition

    By Twixn

    Twix here :P, I really haven’t been around lately at all with SS being down, so I haven’t got much time to take a look at the works that people have been cooking up, but from reading Engivales top 10 it seems like things are still kicking in a good way. With some writers continuing to stay active even when not being in ss such as Forum and Baron P Om has remained in tip top shape and will for weeks to come if you the writers keep putting effort into that you have been. Of course as always there’s a down side, I seem to be seeing more and more shitty pieces being posted, things like whole verses of self glory and what not.

    Top 10 Open Mic Writers:
    By Engivale

    Hey, this is Engivale doing the Top 10 Rankings for the First time. Trying not to be biased at all. I did take into consideration that really good writers used their SS material in OM, so I didn't treat it so much as an OM piece as an OM addition you should be patted on the back for. So there will be some surprising rankings, here, not completely based on writer's talent, but more so on the contribution to OM as a whole that they have made in the last two weeks, and how well they've done it. The #2 writer is sure to be a surprise, but he did a lot of good pieces, and all of it was fresh, so he deserves it in my eyes. Read on!

    Honorable Mention (11): Maven

    Rapidly gaining respect, Maven sometimes catches me off guard with how well he can write. He needs no direction, really, he seems to have a good grasp of the techincal aspects of writing. His flow is always enjoyable, though perhaps not so complex as the top four or five flow-based writers, he still usually doesn't leave you scratching your head or drawing lines out too far. Honestly, I'd like to see him get a little more active, but since he did post one very solid piece in the forum, I thought he deserved the recognition, and yes, it is a recycled SS piece, so that gets points docked off in my book, but I still think that this was a dope piece from him. So, an Honorable Mention to you, and because your recycled SS piece was the worst (and that's just saying something about how damn good the others are) you get Honorable Mention. Didn't have an extra spot for ya, buddy, but I at least wanted to say I see ya. =D - Ghosts

    10. Evolve

    First of all, his ranking gives him no justice as the phenomenal writer he is, and you'll see what I mean if you click the link and read that piece he wrote. But, it was originally for SS, and he offered no fresh material for OM, which again is why points are docked off and he is listed #10. The piece itself is really, really enjoyable, and the incredible thing is it was a losing piece. That's how competitive the SS ranks were this past week, I guess, Pool A has been rough since SS got started with many top heads clashing, and even coming dope doesn't guarantee a win, as Evolve saw when Witness came back with his recently HoF nominated piece, "Life is a Chessboard," but we'll get to that momentarily. Evolve, as has been said countless times, really understands flow, the only thing I see lacking is his tendency to usually only talk about real-world kind of things rather than creative or situational stuff, similar to Nahlidge in that way, but that's what they like to talk about, so I don't know why I'm complaining. I just like to see people tell fictional stories =D - Unmasked

    9. Witness

    Witness has been gaining a lot of momentum in the tournament and faces Atticus next. I'm very, very interested to see what they write, I hope Witness can come up with something just as creative this week and write it just as technically sound if he's gonna give Atticus a run for his money. But, his low ranking can be explained by his sole contribution to the OM Forums coming as a copy and paste of his SS piece... Again, the Committee docks points for this type of behavior. But, if it's still an awesome piece, it's tough to not give it the credibility it deserves. =D A good friend of mine and most everyone else's, Witness is a class act and friend of the community and also on the Mag staff, Good Luck to him in SS this week and GET OFF YOUR ASS AND WRITE SOMETHING CREATIVE FOR OM!!! - Life is a Chessboard

    8. dj...

    Dj. has always been consistent, and the last couple of weeks he has done his part to keep the Open Mic forum diverse and full of thought. His latest piece, "Mirror on the Wall," has drawn some of his best praise on any piece I have seen him post, I personally liked it very much when I took a peek. Though his other piece this week was somewhat of a wash, it was a collab about fast food, He has still done well enough to get a spot in our rankings and gain consideration. Check out his piece that, to me, got him on this list. Thogh sorry I didn't rank you higher than some SS reyclers, they had pieces that were downright dope and you need to elevate to get much higher than this based on your OM contribution factor. - Mirror on the Wall

    7. Mariah

    Mariah was not very good when I first looked at her work, and I thought when she was added to SS it was because she was a girl with a pretty picture. Then, I began to see that her thoughts were honest and unique to her own personality, and I started to see what other people saw in her, that little thing called potential. And with the help of a lot of people, she has been constantly improving her writing for months. I thought this particular piece, "Massacred Talisman," was perhaps the most creative and well-flowing piece she's ever submitted. She still has work to do, but it is so obvious the progression she has made that I thought recognition was deserved. She is a road map to follow for those of you who are looking to see your names here... look at some of her earlier works and then see how she has gotten better by reading the works of the best on this site and actively taking their advice and working by herself and on collabs to improve. Good job, Mariah, and I look forward to your next piece. Check out her latest piece, I think it's the best I've read from her. - Massacred Talisman

    6. Atticus

    Again, an easy explanation for the ranking; His contributions to OM have been recycled SS pieces. Still, they offer great reads to users who don't participate in SS and he has been at his best lately. I really liked that piece, "Tvs n' static weeds;are we?" It was written several weeks ago but I guess he recently decided to put it in the OM section. It's really a tight piece, check it out. Atty is widely considered one of, if not the best writer on the site. It's tough to really put someone as a #1 with so much talent and creativity around, but Atticus really combines an absolute wealth of both. His flow is superb, his creativity is really kind of crazy, it's like he has teams of monkeys at typewriters around his house and he wakes up with story ideas arranged in tatters at his bed, or something. Maybe that's a stretch. But that's how the creative mind works while it dreams =D. Again, points docked for SS recycling, added for dopeness, and of course Reputation always has a special place in the heart of the Committee. But not so much to the point where you can't shake things up with some dopeness of your own, Readers. Good luck in SS this week, Atticus, if you've got time, give us something from the heart in OM!! - Tvs n' static weeds; are we? - Hand-me-down-the-river

    5. Nique

    Damn you recycling pieces. These were both excellent, though. Nique is a badass, plain and simple, she's still going strong in SS and has a match this week with Nahlidge, it's bound to be dope. Her writing ability is top notch, and I was pissed I lost to her, but at the same time, glad I could lose to someone I respect so much. Nique is a humble person with admirable talent, and she is well-liked around the community for a good reason --- she's nice, and she's honest. Her work, lately, though, has only been for SS, unlike the last Open Mic two-week session where she wrote a lot of extra material just for OM and got herself the #1 spot. She still remains in the Top 5, but again, The Committee warns against this SS recycling, it will hurt your ranking. There is a very, very precise points system we use to rank people, incorporating 22 variables of which are measured by --- well --- that's all a lie, it's my best attempt at ignorant opinion. (Ignorant opinion is trying to judge something without being influenced by any belief, thought, or prejudice your mind may have) - Happily Ever After Part 1 - Hand-me-Downs

    4. Soulstice

    Soul is a good writer, he's in the Pool B championship match vs BTK this week in SS and deservedly so, and his writing has been very consistent, yet often overlooked. I see a lot of his pieces don't get the feed they deserve. He reycled an SS piece, yea, but also spent some time writing several creative pieces and they were very good. Some of the best original stuff in the forum has been done by Soul these last couple weeks, and he's a very interesting writer who tends to grasp his topic and hold on, not tending to spiral outward into obscurity as so many of us do. A captivator, by my book. We love ya Soul, keep writing and posting that dope shit for everyone to read. But don't get inactive on me now or you won't see your name back here =D - He'd Never Rest Impressed - Freakshow

    3. Engivale

    Okay, time to brag. I may possibly be Shakespeare reincarnated. Either him or Jesus, I'm still deciding.


    Okay, so maybe that's over the top, but I do think I deserve some small credit for not rehashing my SS work for the public to drool over and instead writing two pieces, both of which I stand by as being solid and interesting, and both didn't get very much feedback, but, what can you say, maybe ppl didn't have the time to respond. Since everyone else was just rehashing SS or putting out one solid piece, I figured you guys gave me this spot by default. Enough about me, I suck. - Flowin'... From Inspiration... 6 AM - My Mind (Different)
    His part in Raper's Caper

    2. Forum

    Surprise! Most definitely not the 2nd best writer on this site, but definitely, the 2nd most active. Forum has been in three different collabs and written three original pieces in the last 10 days or so, and a lot of his work really stands out. He is technically sound, has a good head on his shoulders and draws up interesting structures... Small font sucks, but, he can fix it. Anyways, Forum has shown a lot of participation and has written good stuff, he has a ways to go before people start saying , "Holy Shit," after reading a piece of his, but he pretty much always makes me say, "Huh. Not bad, not bad at all. In fact, now that I'm deliberating it, I'd go so far as to say I liked it." Pump out enough of that and it's good for me. I'd still probably rank one outstanding contribution over several good ones, but this week, really, all the best pieces were done in SS and noone really came out of their box that much. So, congratulations Forum, I just wanted to give you props for all the writing you've been doing, I see it and I didn't want a good writer going unrewarded for his creative works. =D - Traits of Urban Life - Family First - Withered Society f/ Truth
    His Part in Raper's Caper

    1. Baron P. Mortuus

    And the best contributor to the OM section these last couple weeks has been none other that Pak, the original Muslim gangster. He's done several solo works and they've all been rock solid, I love the progression he has made from strictly poetic writing to such a great grasp of flowing, he's been coming along nicely and he's done several pieces recently worthy of recognition. Perhaps nothing that I would say was HoF, he didn't seem to undertake any grand project with his writing, but he certainly has been inspired several times and has written some real shit. Mad props for organizing the Raper's Caper collab, lots of good heads in it and I was happy to do my lil thing in there, Pak also gives a lot of feedback and is a stand up guy, noone deserves it more. So, after I came to the conclusion that noone deserved it more, logic deduced that He deserved it. Since noone else did. So, Mister Top Writer, Keep it real and keep writing. But I still want to see some 60 line giant of a story that never falls off pace flow-wise from you. - Raper's Caper - Sweet Nothings - The Hidden Diaries: Malicious Breeds

    Okay, that's it, this is Engivale signing out... If you want to see your name here, don't rehash your SS verses like it's fresh material, it's fine if you're just looking for feedback but that's not what this mag is about, it's about making the OM section diverse and more active. So, we want to see good verses, well written and well thought out, and executed perfectly. Garbage will not get you in here. If you're just posting a bunch of shit and it's bad writing, well, that's what it is, bad writing, so for anyone thinking to themselves, "i posted like four verses!" I probably thought all four didn't add up to the value of a recycled SS verse. So sorry, keep practicing, maybe you're a Top Rookie. Thanks to all that read and may karma be on your side... (it will be if you're nice)

    Top 5 Rookies
    By Twixn…

    5. Brains

    This guy shares something in common with me… and I hate to brag… but he has amazing imagery, and his piece carries itself with a flow of a polished writer yet he has only dropped a few pieces that I have seen. He gets my number 5 spot with ease and I think he deserves this mention as much as the 4 above him, In future weeks im sure he will either move up the rookies ranks, or break out onto the top 10 writers scene. - Nightmares

    4. Impulse

    This guy has amazing vocab… I think he would have been higher on the rookie ranks… only problem is he is barely active, with only 5 posts and an alias (which I don’t know) with only 100. There is only one piece that I could find by him, but with that alone he makes the 4th spot on the rookie… Defiantly go take a look at this dude’s piece… with a little work and time this guy in my eyes will be one of the site top writers, Easy. He must have written before he got on this site… that would explain why he already is polished as a writer, his piece was crammed full of multi’s and was just WOW. Take a look at the link below. - Cloistered, Confined, Convinced

    3. The Rukus

    Well this guy has probably been writing for a while by viewing his posts… I mean 4’000 I hope he wrote at least one before his most recent piece Lost Love, Basically he made this spot with Raw Emotion… I mean he had the mechanics down… just nothing that completely blew me away… of course other than the raw emotion he poured into this piece. On the other hand… this guy is a dick… and he clearly showed that when after he dropped his piece said fuck open mic… just cause he didin’t get loads of feed as soon as it was dropped… sorry dude… but people have lives. Anyways other than that this guy is a decent writer and one to look out for. – Lost Love

    2. Abbadon

    hmmm what can I say, I never really read anything from this guy up until this week, and I was amazed. He drops crazy metaphors and his flow is unique in its own sense which webs together in a great way with his style. This guy has been dropping poetry and Om’s for a while and I think has not gotten the props he deserves. Which is why he made my number 2 spot, I think with ease also. If alpha didn’t come by and drop a piece that was just outstanding as far as rookies go I think this guy here would have snatched the number one spot. It’s nice to see some heads dropping fire, and this guy almost reminds me of my writing when I actually level my head an focus. Defiantly one to watch out for in the upcoming weeks. - Internal Warfare

    1. Alphabetized

    Im not sure how long this guy has been dropping om’s for, but in my eyes I consider him a rookie since I really haven’t read anything from him. The piece below was executed quite nicely and I think it alone is the reason why he deserves this spot. He has proven that he can write a good story while holding on to a topical sense with a pretty damn good flow. The only thing I can really say that is negative about the way he writes is once in a while he seems to sacrifice word choice for rhyme… but hey who doesn’t once in a while. I think alpha is one to watch out for in the upcoming weeks and will most likely be jumping onto the top 10 writers spots if he continues to write topicals. – A Painful Love

    Interview With Grim Reapa:
    By The Witness

    the wittyness (1:44:29 PM): I'm here with Grim Reapa, a new writer with a lot of peotntial. he has done well in SS and is definitely one of the top new writers, sup Grim? thanks for agreeing to this interview

    Tbd1332 (1:44:57 PM): yea no prob thanks for having me

    the wittyness (1:45:51 PM): no problem, my pleasure. so yea, speaking of SS. You reached the semi finals of Pool B, do you think you could have gotten further?

    Tbd1332 (1:46:36 PM): well i was matched up against great head. BTK i really dont think im on that level yet.

    the wittyness (1:47:35 PM): word, you did very well to get to there though. who is your favourite writer on RB at the minute?

    Tbd1332 (1:48:17 PM): mayne thats hard...well bounce, engi, yourself are all great writers really to many to decide

    the wittyness (1:49:32 PM): word, and thanks dude. where do you get your inspiration from? is it a fellow writer, music, or something else?

    Tbd1332 (1:50:32 PM): really what made me really want to try and write was bounce i wanted to battle him and he said i had to get in SS to do i started to really try

    the wittyness (2:07:57 PM): word, Bounce has inspired a lot of people on this site. Are you happy with the level you are at? where would you ideally like to be, skill-wise?

    Tbd1332 (2:08:41 PM): i really want to be the best. perfection is key in my eyes. i think i still have a long way to go to where i want to be.

    the wittyness (2:09:53 PM): word, elevation never stops, not even for the best. OK, moving away from writing for a minute, what do you think on the hacking of the forum? do you have an idea on who it was?

    Tbd1332 (2:10:54 PM): idk but jonzey was acting weird that day...think it might have been him, but really i have no idea. but he was trying to battle why all that was happening.

    the wittyness (2:12:00 PM): :/ I didn't notice that. but word, will you be in SS again whenever the league starts again?

    Tbd1332 (2:12:40 PM): of course. SS is a great league and tik is running it well no reason not to be there, so ill be there for sure.

    the wittyness (2:13:14 PM): good to hear dude. what do you think of the OM forum? is it running well? what is your opinion?

    Tbd1332 (2:13:56 PM): well i think there needs to be more feed in there its pretty active. but noone likes to leave feed anymore. great peices get overlooked many times.

    the wittyness (2:14:43 PM): word @ great pieces not getting enough feed. What are your aims, writing-wise for this month?

    Tbd1332 (2:15:34 PM): well i would like to fix my spelling prob maby take more time when writing, i usually push it off till deadline. and just make a better peice all around.

    the wittyness (2:17:17 PM): word, you have a shit load of potential, don't let it go to waste. ok now for the fun part, I'm gonna give you two names, and you need to tell me who you think would win, that cool?

    Tbd1332 (2:17:30 PM):

    the wittyness (2:17:46 PM): Atticus vs Bounce

    Tbd1332 (2:18:05 PM): meh...hard one..but i think bounce would take it...

    the wittyness (2:18:16 PM): cool, Engivale vs Mindless

    Tbd1332 (2:18:31 PM): ummm...engi.

    the wittyness (2:19:33 PM): The Witness vs El Poeta lol

    Tbd1332 (2:20:02 PM): ummm...poeta is a poet if its poetry ryan will win. but topical i think u got it.

    the wittyness (2:20:45 PM): he'd probably beat me in both lol ok last but not least Tim vs Brix

    Tbd1332 (2:21:31 PM): lol mabye...and prob umm...damn. ill say brix i think hes a bit more creative...

    the wittyness (2:21:58 PM): cool, is there anything you would like to say to the readers of this interview?

    Tbd1332 (2:23:04 PM): really i would just like to say try your best and keep working on your peices. every one has potential...and IM the topical king bitch j/p...Sry witty had to add that old quote in

    the wittyness (2:23:29 PM): lol I'm the only king hoe lol pleasure interviewing you dude...peace homie

    Tbd1332 (2:23:39 PM): iight duece

    Top Collab:
    Chosen by Twixn

    File:Raper's Caper

    6th- Malice.
    Lust can blind a man into a beast,
    a beast which will go at any length,
    to fulfil it’s hunger….

    Stripped standing strong among the rubbish tips
    slowly slipped so I grabbed her arms & gripped
    I squeezed & she fell weak on her knees, screamed
    Urine streams, an oral enema means to demean
    Captivating eyes afraid, open up & raid, never obeyed
    I sprayed mace, bondage provided by her shoe lace
    Her worse nightmare, no cape, no bats I pull her plats
    Stats in the making, death & rape, I slip off her slacks
    Spike insertion, hyped perversion & hiked coercion
    Dead, blood used as a lotion spread, blight a hoyden
    Twisted events left her with dents, I taped a version
    Final corrosion she’s better now, acidified with poison

    I cut and I slice
    From What I entice
    what’s right is lust fights
    from recitin' my rights...
    Fifth Amendment, Don't have to Talk
    Sick Impediment to graph with chalk...
    I don't leave em alive...
    No stories...
    No one sees to describe
    how I kill these four forties...
    Kill whores for these...
    Free who survive...
    Glee to arrive at the first speed bump;
    you get caught, not if you pre dump...
    Get rid of three limbs-
    Chop em and Chisel Off em' bone marrow-
    And narrow the chance of wheat thins...
    And by that I mean a Life sentence...
    It's New Slang, from the few deranged
    who need Repentance...
    Deceit's what's confinement is made for...
    Rape is just crime that's for time to trade toward...

    Stripped standing strong among the rubbish tips death defying glimpse
    My move is made using moons shade to guide the brave night's days
    pursuing her gift as I betray bliss & eagerness manoeuvres swift
    Thoughts perverted envisioning the insertion upon her bodies decay
    Upon introduction to mace I slugged her face & shattered her lips
    I began to strangle her mangled limbs as my erection grows harder
    Her eyes begged, I parted her legs penetrating between the muscles grip
    She lies stiff as her life's grip goes farther she's quickly becoming a martyr
    The blood oozed from her mouth was good news as south heads my departure
    task completed swift as a quail as I inhale B4 deaths wretched smell starts up

    I Check the ropes, she’s bound tight...
    muffled screams create the symphony of the night...
    I rip her shirt steadily and precise.., sucking n licking
    this is where the mark shall be, excitement trickling
    her body feels tight with tension ecstasy rushes in sections
    Shhh baby no need to fight... darkness's invention
    I cut a wide opening... I can see her warm blood cascades...
    as the look from her eyes reveals fear as she cries out n' hope fades
    I wipe using my jacket, withdrawing the dry blade...
    my hands grip slimy entrails pulling them free...
    ... as I move her dissected track intricately...
    recreating the bibles words into brand news sins, created delicately.
    Murder from jealousy... I write the message with her innards...
    I’ve come to earth from hell... to put shame to all sinners

    Blood on the floor, I’m slipping
    ruthless ripping has me aroused, am I tripping?
    no, I just set out do what I wanted to
    to see that her head was bloody, try to subdue
    these voices telling me that this is what I want
    the first girl now my aunt? Should I flaunt
    the fact I took away their lives or act nonchalant?
    In the middle of thoughts I felt a strong urge
    bubbling feeling emerges I hear give the bitch what she deserves
    how could this be? I feel lust for the flesh of my grandfathers seed
    I couldn't stop myself and after pulling her pants down
    I pleasured myself for hours packed my bags and left town

    Scorn in directions, corress her worn interception
    Flesh torn into sections, to me such joy is a blessing
    A known professionist, muffled screams, seem trifling soothing
    As now her heart leaks out to me, forgot the knife was protruding
    So fixated on death, dialated eyes, show the scarcity of light
    Detaining her health, surprised how her complexion faded with life
    Deranged in the sight, tied to the radiator, pulsing to meet
    Corrosive to meat, burns and bruises, marks repulsive and beat
    Central air, pouring down, cool steel, supposively seethed
    Mixture of moisture hot and cold, tissue's emplosion of heat
    Shallow leaks of fluids arise, seems the flows are descrete
    Viens dry within demise, she'll forever soak in her sleep

    The identity of the man that committed these
    unthinkable crimes was never discovered.

    A few crimes after the last, were said to have been
    done by the same seemingly faceless man.

    No one saw him come in, no one saw him go out.

    Although his victims were raped;
    no traceable hair or semen samples were found.

    We can only hope that these crime caught up to the monster,
    but chances are the man, the myth and the monster will live on...forever
    What can I say… I was glad to be apart of this, and make no mistake I didn’t just put it here because I was involved, this was a long time in the coming and I think each writer put fire into this one, It started off great and carried throughout the piece… great work boys it think a lot of the readers enjoyed this one despite its morbid touch.

    By Twixn

    WTF @ how long this took… (my bad)
    WTF @ how whack the lounge is getting (VIVA OM!)
    WTF @ Wannabe Gangsters
    WTF @ The SS tourney still going on… (uhgg I want a news season)
    WTF @ Margarine (go butter go)
    WTF @ Pan’s Labyrinth not being in Yukon Theatres when I got home

    By Twixn

    Well like I said in the intro… I really don’t have much to say. It seemed like the theme of this week was love pieces… and thought I don’t mind reading a few, I started to get a little bored of them by the end of writing this mag :P but other than that… people seem to be elevating steadily, and some new writers such as Impulse are really breaking out onto the scene in an almost scary fashion… I mean these guys have incredible potential… and I think some of them are already better than me. Keep up the good work. Woop Woop.

  2. #2
    Banned Rancor's Avatar
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    Re: Open Mic Magazine 6th Edition

    coolio nukka

  3. #3
    You've Earned a Custom Title! Dyl's Avatar
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    Re: Open Mic Magazine 6th Edition

    eh I have to say I didn't like this edition.Top 10 writers was a complete joke
    Heard about the guy who fell off a skyscraper?
    On his way down past each floor,he kept saying to reassure himself
    So far so good.....
    So far so good.....
    So far so good.....

    But how you fall doesn't matter
    Its how you land

  4. #4
    Banned Rancor's Avatar
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    Re: Open Mic Magazine 6th Edition

    besides forum being number 2 i think it was pretty right

    (secretly wants to kill marain and take her number 7 spot)

    everything is all gravy here

  5. #5
    Banned Rancor's Avatar
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    Re: Open Mic Magazine 6th Edition

    eh twinx i think you posted it in the wrong spot

  6. #6
    The Notorious E.N.G. Engivale's Avatar
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    Re: Open Mic Magazine 6th Edition

    Hey, man, most of the good pieces in OM were just put up by people who had done them for SS, the whole thing about the top writer thing is to not take into account reputation, but to take into account what the writer has done in the forum since the last magazine. A lot of good writers didn't post a single new piece in the last two weeks, so Baron and Forum got the top two spots since they wrote a lot of good stuff and made a lot of contributions, both with their pieces, and with their feedback on everyone else's pieces. Go look at how many more pieces Baron and Forum comment on, probably even your own, than you give feed on. It helps the OM forum a lot, the #1 thing it needs is honest feedback.


    "She managed to extract from the restriction itself a further delicate thought, like good poets whom the tyranny of rhyme forces into the discovery of their finest lines."

  7. #7
    Banned Rancor's Avatar
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    Re: Open Mic Magazine 6th Edition

    Quote Originally Posted by Engivale
    Hey, man, most of the good pieces in OM were just put up by people who had done them for SS, the whole thing about the top writer thing is to not take into account reputation, but to take into account what the writer has done in the forum since the last magazine. A lot of good writers didn't post a single new piece in the last two weeks, so Baron and Forum got the top two spots since they wrote a lot of good stuff and made a lot of contributions, both with their pieces, and with their feedback on everyone else's pieces. Go look at how many more pieces Baron and Forum comment on, probably even your own, than you give feed on. It helps the OM forum a lot, the #1 thing it needs is honest feedback.
    eh they my homies man you ain't gotta tell me hell baron crafted me basically

  8. #8
    ...nxiwT Twixn...'s Avatar
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    Re: Open Mic Magazine 6th Edition

    Quote Originally Posted by Dyl
    eh I have to say I didn't like this edition.Top 10 writers was a complete joke
    he made the top 10 out of who puts in more effort for open mic...

    not who is the best... which is usually what it is...

    i dont see you really contributing anything to the section... so blahh on you.

    at first glance i was kind of like WTF?

    but once you read it... it makes sense.. obviously you didin't... you just saw that your fav writers where not in the top 10.. and came on here and bitched... so until you either post up a better mag... or know what you are talking about... please dont.

  9. #9
    Banned Rancor's Avatar
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    Re: Open Mic Magazine 6th Edition

    Quote Originally Posted by Twixn...
    he made the top 10 out of who puts in more effort for open mic...

    not who is the best... which is usually what it is...

    i dont see you really contributing anything to the section... so blahh on you.

    at first glance i was kind of like WTF?

    but once you read it... it makes sense.. obviously you didin't... you just saw that your fav writers where not in the top 10.. and came on here and bitched... so until you either post up a better mag... or know what you are talking about... please dont.
    feel his rath

  10. #10
    ...nxiwT Twixn...'s Avatar
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    Re: Open Mic Magazine 6th Edition

    ^ not really my wrath... its just Engivale seemed to put a fair amount of effort into writing that up... while someone who does dick all comes along and calls it a complete joke... i dunno shit gets on my nerves a little.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mak P
    eh twinx i think you posted it in the wrong spot
    hehe... just gotta wait for a mod to sticky it is all.
    Last edited by Twixn...; February 12th, 2007 at 07:12 PM

  11. #11
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    Re: Open Mic Magazine 6th Edition

    Quote Originally Posted by Twixn...
    ^ not really my wrath... its just Engivale seemed to put a fair amount of effort into writing that up... and i dont think calling it a complete joke is necessary at all.

    hehe... just gotta wait for a mod to sticky it is all.
    word i wish i could write more imma start writing pieces in class

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    Re: Open Mic Magazine 6th Edition

    Quote Originally Posted by Mak P
    besides forum being number 2 i think it was pretty right

    (secretly wants to kill marain and take her number 7 spot)

    everything is all gravy here
    Do I sense HAte!!!lol..@'ve been egging me lately....

    Thank you RB...I am Honored to be #2 in the top rankings...and I appreciate the comments Eng... It's nice to see that my hard work and deadication to the OM forum has paid off...coming off a top rookie spot OM Forum readers should be looking to see a lot more creatively constructed pieces from me...... as for your statement Mak P (truth) we still cool just go set up a battle...if that's how you feel truely...not to sound cocky or anything now but I will personally show YOU why I deserve it..and thank you all again for the recognition...and the mag was dope.... :realist:

    Battles I need closed

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    Re: Open Mic Magazine 6th Edition

    Very nice mag, i'm proud to be on the top 10 and I'll continue to try to be as active as I can.

  14. #14
    ...nxiwT Twixn...'s Avatar
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    Re: Open Mic Magazine 6th Edition

    Quote Originally Posted by Mak P
    word i wish i could write more imma start writing pieces in class
    haha yeah i do that all the time in college...

    shit gets so boring...... i should start scanning up my doodles to go along with my peices hahaha...

    anyway im fucking braindead right now...


  15. #15
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    Re: Open Mic Magazine 6th Edition

    Quote Originally Posted by dj...
    Very nice mag, i'm proud to be on the top 10 and I'll continue to try to be as active as I can.
    collab with me nukka you know i was thinking aobut it last night you bring out the best in me

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