Too often I ponder roads traveled,
Straight routes twisted.
Scrambled, walked,
And dragged through to find a way forward.
Prioritizing reflection creates
Which leads to more reflection
On that history that looms.
My mother gave me sour grapes.
Rough against my teeth, like eating sand,
They bring to mind poor choices.
Not mine.
Though, I soak them in because they define me.
I belong to them.
Set me on my path, a whispering oracle of
Something a little less potent than despair.
Etched into skin is a map.
A tattoo of lines devouring themselves
In an abstract pattern that clearly spells turbulence.
But she tried.
Too much barren soul filled by too many men,
The mind can only handle so much ascetic silence.
We suffered for it, my brother and I.
Love replaced by duty from Fathers
Who never sowed or cultivated,
As if expecting one cup of water would yield fruit.
Only enough to perpetuate virulent thirst.
And so I recapitulate.
As son. As husband.
New sidewalks allude me, I know not
The road I travel now.
Its familiarity tells me she’s seen it before.
A translucent dream
Dancing on the tip of my frontal lobe.
She is Mary, except I am
Flesh of her flesh, blood of her blood.
Begotten and made in pain well nourished.
A kenotic act transcending
Her own failures, given to me
Like a Eucharistic rite.
I will take and I will eat.