Jem can play street so dont think ima struggle with you G..
looks like a 5-1 victory for me, why?
... you already got one vote from that groupie ^^..
40-6 wow im impressed if thats realy your battle rate..?
6-40 there we go typo fixed now the scores straight..
your to pussy to check and just a no show fag..
please sign hear _________ to show,
.. you conceed it aint no autograph....
Apo's just no hopers rejected by other crews..
see your a boi on the road to success..
so ill put it in your terms, just follow Blues Clues..
i figured out your bio and its pretty much your a filler..
your worthless without an occupation..
its times like this i think King Herad had the right idea..
was gona go 10 but may aswell go that extra step..
and ask you Street_play, i realy that big of a Threat..?

not feeling ur shit at all dude !!!! elevate!!!!


l.J.L.... Just another league of jealous losers, tryin to reign supreme
their thought of victory's, over whelming shame is a tarnish'd dream
jem's r prized jewels however this jem's no longer special..lost significance
fake vet posin a threat?? nah between u n herbs i fail to see the difference
stoop to ur level of wackness, play follow the leader, an study ur movements
after spittin ur verse feed was dropped with an endless list of improvements
you try too hard to succeed son therefore you let ur stupidity shine through
even your crew doubts you. son why? cus ur verse is wack n it defines you
the fantasy world in which you live has your whole god damn mind twisted.
child pornography... N molestation, is the only time you ever spittin explict.
its time to wake up son stop dreamin im playin judge, objection's over ruled
Your old shool?? nah dawg your not old school, you just been old schooled.

^^ok verse still not briilliant but ok enought for the win so!
