Spanish Demon of Dohm, anguish seasons prolong, lavish demon of psalm
passion freezes your song, I am reading your palm, language appeases your call
I'm a poet of cleanliness and joy, the sun is enjoyed, I say a funnel of light
Plummet the plight, the sun will night die, it's a burning star in the sky
I am darkness and I cover hundreds of light, summon the light to plummet the plight
Second Coming of Christ, have fun with the sky, it's not funneling light
Asunder your cry, your tears fuse with mine, I'm a seer who will cry
I will funnel light, asunder cry's of joy, with my tears of joy
I'm a seer in voice, fear my void, hear my joy
Cheers of joy, a seer of voice, revered with joy
A seer of joy, clear with joy, crying tears of joy
I cry tears of joy, I cry tears of joy, I cry tears of joy
I'm a serpent, I do not fear the void, I'm a seer of joy
I cry tears of joy, I cry tears of joy, oh, I cry tears of joy
I cry tears of joy, I cry tears of joy, I cry tears of joy
I cry tears of joy, I cry tears of joy, I cry tears of joy
I cry tears of joy, I cry tears of joy, my aqua tears cry tears of joy
I'm a seer in choice, a serpent who cheers with joy, hear my voice
revered with joy, hear my voice, I'm a seer of joy crying tears of joy