As I see things through the eyes of a aqua tear drop; I fear not
For fear falls to courage; and I am the light in the darkness; fear not
I cry tears of joy; a clear drop; appease the sun; and hell's flame
My name rings bells; and I know a bell's name; hell's flame
I am a bell's name; I read Noah's ark in a church
I know animals come in pairs; and I have two doves; for their birth
I am a demon and Angel; crying tears of joy for days and nights
For I know when I created paradise; and first created darkness; we saw rays of light
I am a Angel and demon; my gleaming light see's through the serene of darkness
My soul and essence ceased the Garden; and has the light see the heartless
I am Andrew James Flores; dreaming of wonders and daydreams
Maybe when hell is appeased; and freezes over; we'll share the same dream....