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Thread: Emotional Board Meeting

  1. #1
    You've Earned a Custom Title! Narrator's Avatar
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    Emotional Board Meeting

    had a board meeting last week, invited my brain & my heart
    we held discussions about love and them playing their part
    the brain said " at times im late, but also incredibly smart
    you see i calculate the risks times the gain and the scars"
    now my heart on the other hand, well he' s a bit of a softy
    he consistently lifts me up, but seems to instantly drop me
    he said " im sincerely sorry for all the pain that ive caused
    but i really can't help it with all the dames that ive crossed,
    they love playing games but never seem to stay too involved
    despite all your efforts, good mornings texts & some calls"
    brain said " ive determined some flaws you really should handle
    you typically put these women on some godly type mantle
    try a more asshole approach, you see NICE guys finish last"
    heart stepped in, "what's more important, true love or some ass?"
    thats like asking if you had a gun in a hand & a knife in the other
    and i had to choose one behind your back would i not equally suffer?
    im so eager to love her, sometimes i dont think before i speak
    in the end, end up alone in the streets with the coldest of sheets
    brain said "am i not suppose to think and analyze situations?
    i'd literally die minus you, plus i like solving human equations
    i know one plus one equals love, but one plus two equal trouble
    ive seen beautiful houses built, and also seen them brutally crumble"
    heart said "brain i know its unusual, especially for YOU to be humble
    you view all of life like its in pieces that are suppose to fit like a puzzle"
    i tried a subtle approach and let them work things out on their own
    could listen to them bickering wit each other till the cows come home.
    im proud to know that they both fight for what they truly believe in
    even if they mix it up and cause each other to end up usually bleeding
    at the end of our meeting ive decided there'll be some change in effect
    because my heart keeps signing leases without validating these checks
    but i really cant blame him even though he's my sole reason for debt
    i suppose i put more faith into him than most would typically invest
    the gains were minimal at best this leaves me with a strategical notion
    looks like its time for my brain to get that deep seated promotion.
    Last edited by Narrator; May 14th, 2014 at 01:20 AM

  2. #2
    Landed Emily's Avatar
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    Re: Emotional Board Meeting

    lol This was great. I really liked the conversation between the brain and the heart.

    I liked your rhymes and you have a great knack for story telling.

    This was quite different and refreshing to read.

    Got some great lines in this piece. Heaps of good lines actually.

    "try a more asshole approach, you see NICE guys finish last"
    heart stepped in, "what's more important, true love or some ass?"

    I like the way it closes too.

    "the gains were minimal at best this leaves me with a strategical notion
    looks like its time for my brain to get that deep seated promotion."

    Keep it coming Narrator.

    Great read.

  3. #3
    You've Earned a Custom Title! zonez's Avatar
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    May 2014

    Re: Emotional Board Meeting

    Welcome Narrator, hope you enjoy this site as much as I do. This piece reminds me of how I used to write when I was younger and 'looking for love'. This whole piece flowed like water to me. Like it came straight from the heart with the brain guiding it perfectly to the page/screen. My favorite bar was;
    'he said " im sincerely sorry for all the pain that ive caused
    but i really can't help it with all the dames that ive crossed'
    any guy can relate to this and you worded this like a lyrical messiah. The last bar is closed out this masterpiece with the intelligence and insight gained during the 'meeting'. Not sure how old you are but as you get to be my age and your testosterone chills out, you start putting your thinking before your emotion. I can relate to this piece on every aspect, hope to read more of your work soon keep it coming.
    Last edited by zonez; May 14th, 2014 at 01:21 AM

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