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Thread: Melenemesis

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Battle Record



    "beauty is not a need but an ecstasy"
    - Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet

    1. Apostasy

    O Lord, do not rebuke me in your anger
    or discipline me in your wrath.
    Be merciful to me, Lord, for I am faint;
    O Lord, heal me, for my bones are in agony.
    My soul is in anguish.
    How long, O Lord, how long?

    Where I once took pleasure,
    I no longer take pleasure.
    My hooded eye craves richer affairs.

    I would thrust myself through a field of corn
    that was not mine, unbound,
    and sit at the riverside
    in West Virginia to watch the serpent,
    black and proud as a god, corkscrew
    itself into the sodden soil.
    There were barges burdened with coal
    sloughing their way amidst sewage that
    slyly slunk towards the fabled bridge—
    that gray-green rusted myth, the only fame
    of this browbeaten place.

    The sun brushed over all this, a golden smear
    outcast among the poorer paints.
    At night the barges blazed,
    earthborn stars bruising the river's surface.

    Sometimes, Sarah would come with me;
    we would speak with feigned familiarity
    of places we had never been, and with
    confidence, discuss matters we knew little of.

    We were young and strong—
    We were thin and agile—
    We were drunk all December.

    We beat on pianos not knowing how to play,
    we fought in alleys, we sang out of key,
    we danced to crude carols in cheap bars,
    we ate, we drank, we mammon.

    We rejoiced
    in our vitality, every moment an affirmation
    of the previous one, every wild ecstasy without
    thought of consequence or reason.

    She told me she was ready
    for the fall of Rome. I wonder
    if she was. I never heard her
    tell me that she loved me,
    but I know she did.

    The sun struck on all of this, unknowing,
    uncaring, melting the wax mistletoe that
    we first kissed under.

    2. Sun-in-Earth

    This is to warn you that I am no longer held
    in check from fighting white supremacists
    by Elijah Muhammad's seperatist Black Muslim
    movement, and that if your present racist agitation
    against our people there in Alabama
    causes physical harm to Reverend King
    or any other black Americans
    who are only attempting to enjoy their rights
    as free human beings, that you and your Ku Klux Klan
    friends will be met with maximum physical retaliation
    from those of us who are not hand-cuffed
    by the disarming philosophy of nonviolence,
    and who believe in asserting our right of self-defense—
    by any means necessary.

    We expect rain, but receive snow.
    It is the pain that all men know.

    I lie in the alcove and await the fourth.
    I won't free her.
    The family over freedom.
    The Declaration, the Statutes, the University—
    my lisp pronounces
    that it is man that makes Truth.
    Religion misses the meridian;
    this space is merely the wake of man's mind.
    Necessity cannot neuter my will,
    cobbling my conscience,
    such rich spectrums of idea—
    but it is mine that triumphed!
    Our first conflict, John—we were oddly detached.
    And O god O god O god Patty's dead,
    I having all this time to put heart before head,
    but I have lost, I have no hope, I have no care.
    Truth offers no solace.
    Freedom provides no sanctuary.

    These cardiac days wax and wane.
    A cytokine storm breaks the brain.

    The choir drowns out the divine
    and I am tired of my forged throat.
    Follow patiently and learn nothing.

    The waterfall, the crystalline impure,
    wears the granite down to sand. The bluegill
    flounders in a cowering heave of mist.

    Oscillating spiderlines break through smog,
    raising the rainbow. Wonder is lost in familiarity,
    the cottonmouth and the cactus.

    Where is Valhalla, where is Elysium,
    where is Hundred Acre Wood? We dig,
    but not to find, into this treasure-broken beach.

    We leave the wheat to rot. We do not reap.
    Colchis misplaces his time-torn fleece.

    3. Pius Felix Invictus

    Weeds flourish even beneath waves,
    although here the coiled and hidden
    is traded for thanes.

    The raw maw of the hammerhead
    eclipses fragmented sunlight illuming
    startled sand. She, majestic in form,
    broken-toothed, rubber skinned, grey
    and neutral as death, uncompassionate
    but hewing no hate, those dumbly fierce
    opposing oracles that circumvent the crests.
    Born from violence, born into violence—
    Kali-Ma, mother-destroyer,
    the cunt and the cock,
    the most vicious, the most beautiful;
    she has no need for Design,
    for Order, for Truth, for the vain ornaments
    with which man gaudily garnishes existence.
    Knowing only the iodine stench of ichor,
    unchanged and unmoved for millennia,
    she is in perfect compliance with creation.
    Kerygma; there is no greater glory.
    The universe is unhinged by her jaws.

    Above this, a sapling clings to a crag.
    Little birds, a deeper blue in the blue sky,
    delight in its impartial branches.

    We would watch, but never ascend;
    it seemed improper to intrude. We
    craved no part in this minute perfection.

    We had our own.
    Some might say we have
    no choice in chance.

    Apikouros. With a riant yawn
    I dismiss such sophistry, content
    without comparison, reliant upon
    my own unimpassioned grace.
    Ommateum. I have kept my vineyard
    fruitful, devoid of barakka.
    I observe the lean of the cards
    in her small, imperfect hands.
    Melenemesis. I have no aliquant.
    I am essential and comfortable.
    We slink as one, without shunt.
    I exhale to inhale.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Battle Record
    I would thrust myself through a field of corn
    that was not mine, unbound,
    and sit at the riverside
    in West Virginia to watch the serpent,
    black and proud as a god, corkscrew
    itself into the sodden soil.
    There were barges burdened with coal
    sloughing their way amidst sewage that
    slyly slunk towards the fabled bridge—
    that gray-green rusted myth, the only fame
    of this browbeaten place

    Liked that^ reminds me of where i live kinda..

    The raw maw of the hammerhead
    eclipses fragmented sunlight illuming
    startled sand. She, majestic in form,
    broken-toothed, rubber skinned, grey
    and neutral as death, uncompassionate
    but hewing no hate, those dumbly fierce
    opposing oracles that circumvent the crests.
    Born from violence, born into violence—
    Kali-Ma, mother-destroyer,
    the cunt and the cock,
    the most vicious, the most beautiful;
    she has no need for Design,
    for Order, for Truth, for the vain ornaments
    with which man gaudily garnishes existence.
    Knowing only the iodine stench of ichor,
    unchanged and unmoved for millennia,
    she is in perfect compliance with creation.
    Kerygma; there is no greater glory.
    The universe is unhinged by her jaws.

    ^ Good Detail.

    this iwas really good..the vocab really impressed had great detail in this throughout..i could keep right with the story..i liked imagining the girl and the setting of this..pretty cool stuff

    Apikouros. With a riant yawn
    I dismiss such sophistry, content
    without comparison, reliant upon
    my own unimpassioned grace.
    Ommateum. I have kept my vineyard
    fruitful, devoid of barakka.
    I observe the lean of the cards
    in her small, imperfect hands.
    Melenemesis. I have no aliquant.
    I am essential and comfortable.
    We slink as one, without shunt.
    I exhale to inhale.

    ^ Real Nice ending.

    I liked the usage of metaphores, they were put in nicely..kinda interesting i guess. Never really seen this type of thing from you..good job man.

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