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Thread: Last Week's Mag...

  1. #1
    Merk Squad
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    Last Week's Mag...

    I think there's something people forgot, due to the fact we have allowed so many new kids into the league. LLL IS A PRIVILEDGE. Back when I was in Jr, you coulnd't even GET into LLL without a whole lot of string pulling, and being dope. So, we are going to go back to that. If you suck, you're gone plain n' simple. If you're dope, and you show, you can stay. If you're kinda decent, but show every week, you can stay. Hence dizzle.

    Last Week was another fucking embarrassment to the league. So, anyone who no shows this week is kicked outta the league for a month. I don't care what the fuckin reason is, if you ain't in the hospital ya damn self, then you best show. And if you are in the hospital, you better ask the nurse to bring your laptop over to you by the deadline... no show twice, you're gone for the season.

    Now, on to better things... I'm making some changes to the league to bring back some of the fun. The MW title, which somehow disappeared, is now going to be up for grabs every week. So, that's three title shots. I will also be setting up some tag-team matches, and various other types of battles to keep shit interesting. Don't worry, no funky gimmick matches or any shit like that... (sorry BTK).

    Also, another good thing - God is back. We need all the talent we can get, and I'm sure he intends TO SHOW UP this time around... and he brings with him alot of skill. Welcome the lord back...

    I guess, I am in complete control here now as Feeble has things to deal with. So, I think playoffs will be coming up shortly... after next week. So you kids have two weeks to strut ya stuff, and since we have a smaller league this season, only the top 12 getting in to the playoffs. Better come hard.


    Last Week's Battles...

    HW Title Match - ...Eclipse... (6-2) vs Feeble Minded (7-1)
    Kinda funny how Eclipse spit's fire when he battles me, then comes ass when
    it's time for Feeble... hmm... ghostwriter not returning ya calls? I mean,
    from the non-poetic flow to the horrid attempts at wit, that shit made me madjust wasting my time reading it. Either way, Feeble manages to make it even worse by no showing, then not even caring... Hopefully, the Legend himself will show next week (he signed out for a week), and regain his well deserved respect and #1 position atop the power rankings... cuz we all know that's where he could be if he wanted... Eclipse, on the other hand, is going to sliiiide into obscurity and stay there. Mark my words. (Sadly) Best Punch:
    Quote Originally Posted by ...Eclipse...
    You'll do what I say, you helped me out before, & never saw me
    LLL's plannin big things, while you sittin back planning your sweet 16 party.

    LW Title Match - Quote (6-1) vs NuclearConcepts (5-2)
    I don't get you Nuc. First, you're all excited at gettin Feeble, always sayin
    you just want someone 'worthy' of your effort, then you get Quote., and no show?! I guess somebody got scared... lol.. Whatever. Quote. came kinda ass this week, nothin really good to be honest. I'm starting to understand why you named yourself Quote., when I look at ya verses... let's see if you can get through 16 without quoting some previous post for a punch. At Least this time, Toke, you gon get ya title shot... and with clipse defending it, I might as well crown you champ now. Best Punch:
    Quote Originally Posted by Quote.
    i keep hearin Nuc can come hard w/ effort, watch this guy sweat
    cuz face it y'all, kids been in 5 battles & you still aint seen him "try" yet

    $pitacular (5-2) vs Replica (5-1)
    Yep, Rep no showed again, just like he did against Smoka.. though, I understand why he would against me. I Hit em with some fire, if I do say so myself.. and I do. Basically, he woulda lost anyway, and like I said in my closer, if he somehow won, I'da booted him from LW outta spite. lol, jp. I was disappointed though, because P usually comes with some heat himself... guess we'll have to wait a week to see it. Thanks alot bitch made. Best Punches:
    Quote Originally Posted by $pitacular
    look I don't know If I can trust you, you kinda selfish dude
    pretty sure you keep your word, you just take everyone elses too
    dog please, seen ya clothes, what's this faggot's problem?
    you look as ridiculous in tall tees, as you would in magnum condoms
    you're wack you fuck, should be grateful I smacked you cunt
    at least now, when you say you're black, ya eyes'll back you up

    Shadows.Edge (0-0) vs Derive (0-0)
    Derive asks me to put him in LLL... even reminded me... then no shows. I'm so glad, I added em. Well, thanks to that, we get nothing from my boy Shadows, who woulda undoubtedly rocked Derive no problem, and givin us a nice read... but, none of that happened. Now we have to wait
    another week see see anything from the Legendary Edge. THANKS DERIVE.

    Twixn (2-1) vs Knoxxious (2-1)
    Another mufuckin no show. Twixn wins with, what I can only call, an attempted verse. I can see you're trying to make an effort to step it up though, so let's see what you got this week Twixn. You're concepts are a little basic, ok, a LOT basic, but maybe just maybe you can tighten
    it up a lil bit huh? Try having some other kids in the league give you some feedback BEFORE you post, I think that'll help you alot. Shit kids like Ex might even tutor you if you ask... you need help, so seek it homie. No punches worth quoting...

    Daz (2-1) vs Meters (1-0)
    Daz came kinda odd, but sorta witty and made it at least readable. Meters... came with what I call artistic experimentation, and it blew up like a bad mix in chemistry class. He was trying to accomplish a merge between creativity, flow, text and audio, which just doesn't work on the net for multiple reasons. Hopefully, my comments pissed him off enough to come like the Meters we all
    love, cuz he challenged me to 30 lines over what I said. Coo. Only thing is, we may have to do it in EFL or sum, cuz I think I'll be in one of the title shots this week due to my record.. we can always do an Entertainment Beef Match... s'fine with me. Best Punches:
    Quote Originally Posted by Daz
    It wasnt, sorry to say that the bullet didnt stop yo
    but u was smothered in cheese, with verses that are nacho's
    I don't know why I like that punch, but I laughed.
    Quote Originally Posted by Meters
    Yeah i'm rusty you geek, but Mets quotes is easily trashing him,
    Cuz i'll be ill in two week,
    your voice'll NEVER sound masculine

    AMEND (0-1) vs Lethargic (0-0)
    Clash of the rusty Iron Titans. AMEND pulls this one off, by a hair. Both came with some weak comparison type punches, alot of filler and plain disses. Nothing great about this at all, and I'mhoping that this isn't what they meant by 'shaking the rust'. Nevertheless, it is only AMEND's 2nd
    week, and Leth's 1st, so let's give them the benefit of the doubt. Hey - at least these two had a couple quotables... and THEY BOTH SHOWED imagine that... Best Punches:
    Quote Originally Posted by AMEND
    UPN is shit if this kid is considered a legend, who felt this geek?
    they must of been dreaming.......
    & forgot to label the forum 'helps me sleep'
    Quote Originally Posted by Lethargic
    Wake up your skills and you're still gonna catch this whoring
    When I cut you off in the middle and END your life in the morning

    Jay. Walker (3-0) vs I'm Deon (3-1)
    Deon took this, basically because Jay came like this: Deon, you're fat... and, Deon's fat... yeah, son Deon's obese. Deon spit a lil bit of wittiness, which was coo cuz he wasn't sposed to show anyway. I guess he signed out, so it's really pointless that he won, but he did... Best Punches:
    Quote Originally Posted by I'm Deon
    sadly enough, women say to get ass he'll need wits and luck
    cuz if theres a will, theres away.....messages when he hits them up
    Quote Originally Posted by Jay. Walker
    This fat bastard’s a bluff; Jae’s punchin steady & tough
    I’d lay weight to ya face...but there’s already enough

    Telekinetic (2-0) vs Tim Corleone (1-4)
    And yet, another no show. Fun stuff fellas. Wow, I wish I could write mags all day about... nothing. One good thing came outta this battle - Tim Corleone goes away for good. Not that he was ever really here.
    Telekinetic came aiight, woulda got slaughtered had there been a real opponent in there. Tighten up, or you'll soon be losin, nah sayin? Wouldn't want to ruin that purdy record... Best Punch:
    Quote Originally Posted by Telekinetic
    I murder you puny hecklers, rip you in half with ball bats
    Wack, a piece of shit or punk bitch?...your all that

    Mr. Key (5-5) vs Macabre (4-3)
    No show.... again. I'm starting to feel like I'm typing Jay.'s verse instead of a mag. Mac wins, for showing. BTW, thanks for posting a verse anyway man, cool shit. Oh wait - my bad. You DIDN'T. Fine, take the easy win slut.

    Sdizzle (3-3) vs Ex (3-3)
    Well well... looks like you kids could learn a thing or two from Sdizzle and Ex... cuz they both showed. And they both had punches. Not the best ones, but hey - they are a contributing factor to the league, which is more than I can say for most of you punks. Ex came decent, with his usual bitch-I'm-hard style, n' dizzle stuck to his, hi!-I'm-almost-witty-but-not-dope persona, which has been working for em half the time. Ex pulls a clean win for basically being meaner. Best punch:
    Quote Originally Posted by Ex
    and them beats is weak and played - they’re nothin but shit
    but son they not half bad, more like one hundred percent

    Boot Match: Willy Jump (2-4) vs Socrates (3-2)
    *sigh*.... no show. Again. AGAIN. Soc, is out, and Willy stays in with a decent attempt at a verse. Had one quotable, that I thought was kinda basic but I ain't seen it yet, it got a laugh outta me:
    Quote Originally Posted by Willy Jump
    man my opponents phat, his drops mustered n came up weight scenes..
    of course he owns the game.. since Blockbuster gave up late fees

    So that's it. I feel sorry for Ex, who has to come up with 10 punches for the top ten...

    SPOTLIGHT EMCEE (interview by Ex): This week it's me. What can I say, no one else was online and we needed this shit up. Plus, I'll son ya. word.

    dOpe rappEr yO: what up joseph
    spitacular1: not much Joshua. well, actually, a lot.
    spitacular1: just outside RB
    dOpe rappEr yO: oh word. lifes kickin ya ass i assume
    dOpe rappEr yO: but anyways
    spitacular1: rotfl
    dOpe rappEr yO: as the league goes.
    dOpe rappEr yO: any weak spots?
    spitacular1: from what I see, we have only a handful of talent - a small hand
    spitacular1: theres a lot of weaker kids in the league, which I think started when heads like write n com left
    dOpe rappEr yO: and you think that's bad?
    spitacular1: very bad. what we get, is a watered down jr with vets that stomp all over these kids
    spitacular1: with the return of Leth, Meters, Shadows, God, AMEND, ect. I am hoping this league will become what it used to be - a place where the godly drop text.
    dOpe rappEr yO: so, why not drop the weak kids?
    spitacular1: thats exactly what is going to happen.
    dOpe rappEr yO: word. a lot of cats in there just dead weight
    dOpe rappEr yO: who you think pose a threat as of now
    spitacular1: sadly, I dont know. Leth and AMEND seem to be stuck back in like 89, Feebles out for a week, Toke's a threat, sometimes, and Meters pulled sum crazy shit last week... so I guess me n Shadows.
    dOpe rappEr yO: yeah, mos def.
    dOpe rappEr yO: what about Young p?
    dOpe rappEr yO: i'm sure u mad at a nigga for last week
    spitacular1: you know, Im not so sure about him, because every decent opponent he gets, he flakes on... so well see.
    dOpe rappEr yO: yeah. the weak kids you thinkin of droppin are whom?
    spitacular1: basically, anyone who drops 10 lines with no quotables. that means, you better have at least 2 for every 20.
    spitacular1: and the no shows of course.....
    dOpe rappEr yO: yeah. for sure.
    dOpe rappEr yO: anyone you ever look forward to facing?
    spitacular1: idk... I guess Quote. again, so I can set the record straight... Eclipse, but he aint really showin nuthin worth battlin.. P would have been coo, but now it's like meh... so I guess not really. Oh yeah - I wanna school that foo nuc, he always talkin big too
    dOpe rappEr yO: whats up w/you in Soc and the beef tho, yo?
    spitacular1: idk, bitch started mouthin off outta nowhere talkin bout takin me in audio - which is a joke- and then when he realized I was down the street from em, he starts cryin about me kickin his ass... rotfl
    dOpe rappEr yO: hah.
    dOpe rappEr yO: that's a shame.. you would've beat a nigga yo?
    spitacular1: I was just gon live battle em
    spitacular1: so we could record it and put it on RB for yall to vote
    spitacular1: then he says "I cant freestyle" so....
    spitacular1: lol
    dOpe rappEr yO: lol. wow..
    dOpe rappEr yO: i ain't got much to say about that..
    dOpe rappEr yO: you pretty much set it str8 yaself
    spitacular1: word
    spitacular1: but that goes for anyone
    spitacular1: dont talk shit unless you can back it.
    spitacular1: enough of that shit
    spitacular1: LLL - thats what matters to these kids.
    spitacular1: and its about to get better
    dOpe rappEr yO: i guess L Dub is basically runnin the league now, huh
    spitacular1: s'been that way. few heads would argue, but its always that way when you at the top.
    spitacular1: we got shit locked though for sure
    dOpe rappEr yO: word.
    dOpe rappEr yO: any crews you interested in hollering at, to battle?
    spitacular1: not really. Only crew worth mentioning is the Future, and we'd stomp ya. 1 love though
    dOpe rappEr yO: heh. you sure? forizzle?
    spitacular1: is this a challenge or an interview?
    spitacular1: yeah, I'm sure
    spitacular1: I'd take ya all myself.
    spitacular1: word.
    spitacular1: lol
    spitacular1: though you did son me in the 1-2
    spitacular1: so we done yet?
    spitacular1: I wanna put the mag up
    spitacular1: .....
    dOpe rappEr yO: *laffz*
    dOpe rappEr yO: yeah, it's a wrap beast
    spitacular1: GRRRRRRRRRR
    dOpe rappEr yO: hollah hollah hollllllllah
    dOpe rappEr yO: rofl
    spitacular1: nigga.

    TOP 5 PUNCHES by Ex

    there wasn't enough for 10. Even more sad, is the fact that most of em are mine. *smh*

    5. sadly enough, women say to get ass he'll need wits and luck
    cuz if theres a will, theres away.....messages when he hits them up
    I'm Deon v. Jay Walker
    4. i keep hearin Nuc can come hard w/ effort, watch this guy sweat
    cuz face it y'all, kids been in 5 battles & you still aint seen him "try" yet
    Quote. v. Nuclear Concepts
    3. you don't wanna linger, say one thing, I swear I'm gon bring it
    clap ya hard, make ya fuckin ears ring, n' wear em on my finger
    $pitacular v. Young P
    2. ya just a sequal bitch, beat n' trashed, ya nothin lethal kid
    might ass well be eatin ass, way you spit other peoples shit
    $pitacular v. Young P
    1. but it's been rough for $pit lately, every celebrity has to fry
    n' I'm sure Michael goin to jail too, as soon as you testify
    $pitacular v. Young P

    Gimme some fire this week so we can feature some of yall in the mag too... jesus

    1. Spitacular- Alright, I know you bitches wondering why he’s on top. One Reason: HIS VERSE WAS FUCKING FIRE. That’s it in a nut sack bitches. Until someone stops this kid, you might as well quit LLL right now.
    2. Nuclear Concepts- this old ass fart bag is out for blood. He even tried to dismantle Spit in the Entertainment thread. Seems like he wont stop until he wins the belt. But who knows?
    3. Quote- The self-proclaimed HW champ, Quote’s innit to winnit. Last week he came with a lackluster performance but this week I’m expecting flames like going to hell. We’ll See though.
    4. Expo- Aka Ex Bka Ledge End, is definitely a prodigy. Ever since I known this little herbie, he’s been making moves. Might just say, He’s Dynamic. [/insidejoke]
    5. Jacent- My mentor’s back in the fucking league. LLL season 2 champ is back to smite herbs. Watch out, his personals are iller then yo momma’s fried chicken. Plus: SnuffinCatsYo: as long as you say something about me lookin good nekkid
    6. Young P- I don’t got too much to say about his long dress ass. He aint show last week, but for lack of people and since im trying to hit ten, he gets the rating. Plus he’s a better flipper then dolphin tails.
    7. Telekenetic- This herb merked me…even though I could care less about that battle lmao and was quarter assin it, he’s been merkin loads of heads. He knows how to stroke a good pee pee I guess. Let’s see who else he can abuse.
    8. Eclipse- he fell in my book. I have seen some shit but damn, soon as the nigga hit the top he starts falling quicker then suicidal japs. I don’t know what the fuck is up with him, but if he don’t get some act right, his title well get snatched.
    9. Daz- that’s me. Im sooooooooooo ill, reading my verses require flu shots. Next week thanks to my buddy twixn, ill be 4-1 and wooorrrrrddddd. I don’t have shit to say. Blah.
    10. Shadows Edge- I don’t know. Did he even post last week? If he did I didn’t read it. He’s known to come ill but we have yet to see. Let’s wait. Stay Tuned.

    Readers Note: Since you bitches didn’t give me enough shit to judge on I freelanced this shit. If you don’t start coming doper, fucka power ranking ya pussy ass queer lovers. Word.

    - Daz Productions
    Last edited by $pitacular; April 18th, 2005 at 09:54 PM

  2. #2
    The King
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    So basically not enough weeks for me to make it. Ah well, I'll shake off the rust for next time then.

  3. #3
    . Token's Avatar
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    wtf ..

    MW Title = WACK AS FUCK!!!!!

    get rid of it

    Spit running the league? to be honest, i'm not liking this at all & a bit worried..

    lol @ you saying my verse was ass this week, the fuck ? then quoting a buncha your lines? that werent even that good . . hmm .. u are irritating.

    2. ya just a sequal bitch, beat n' trashed, ya nothin lethal kid
    might ass well be eatin ass, way you spit other peoples shit
    $pitacular v. Young P

    Are you fucking serious? ass/shit line as number 2 ?

    makes me sick..

    beef back yo

  4. #4
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    don't worry quote

    jace is back to show ya'll niggas how to battle

  5. #5
    your biological father Deon's Avatar
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    uhmm.....i said id stay in for 2 more weeks before last weeks battle
    thus me not saying sign me out when i checked in and thus me not signin out
    can i get my fuckin battle please?

  6. #6
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    deon likes three ways

  7. #7
    . Token's Avatar
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    woah, nevermind Ex did punches

    -shakes head at Ex-

  8. #8
    stfu. quote.

    always complainin yo. just be dope, son.
    You Don't want me to be your kids Role Model
    I'll teach them how to buck them 380's and Load up them Hollows
    Have short fresh off the stoop, ready to shoot
    Big blunt in his mouth, Deuce Deuce in his boot

  9. #9
    your biological father Deon's Avatar
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    i luh the 3way
    gimme that 3way for the title with nuclear
    my records better anwyays hoes

  10. #10
    . Token's Avatar
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    The mag should be done by heads who know what they talkin about

    tis all

  11. #11
    Merk Squad
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    YOU CAME ASS TOKEN. Sorry buddy, no one to be mad at but yaself. I didn't do top 5.

    The fuck you think you can come in here and open ya mouth, when you been gone forever. MW title is dumb? The FUCK you gon have light weight, and heavywieght, and act like there's nothin between? fuckin queer. You know what Token, I'm gettin tired of you real fast...

  12. #12
    Merk Squad
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    last week it was, "dope mag" when you were mentioned as having some dope lines... now it's "need to be done by blah blah" S.T.F.U.


  13. #13
    your biological father Deon's Avatar
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    # 2 and 1 punchs of the week needed work
    i thought # 3 was the best 1 personally

  14. #14
    Merk Squad
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    meh Deon, I got biched at when I gave you a battle, now you bitchin cuz you ain't got one... maybe you should discuss shit with the mufucka runnin the league.

  15. #15
    your biological father Deon's Avatar
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    nigga i laughed when i was given a battle when I SIGNED OUT 2 WEEKS was just funny how outta the blue i was given a battle.....i still posted....and won.....feeble said in the mag thread that i should stay and i said id stay a few more weeks.....few doesnt equal 1 seein as i did show last week no problem and said in that battle that id do another as you fellas please...

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