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Thread: "At least one track must be armed for recording." ?

  1. #1
    Merk Squad Lay Doubt.'s Avatar
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    "At least one track must be armed for recording." ?

    i put a beat on Cool Edit on Multitrack View... then when i clicked the record button that's what it told me.. can someone explain what i have to do in order to record now that i have a beat? i couldn't find it in any of the tutorials.. thanks in advance.
    Been a real one.

  2. #2
    beside the track that you want to record on there should be an R. press that button. That arms the track. Arming = enableing to record.

  3. #3

    Re: "At least one track must be armed for recording." ?

    I think that you can now record your new track many people are like your post and this chance is really awesome. You can write your track from smart writing service reviews company they can charge reasonable price.

  4. #4
    The Metallica L.E's Avatar
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    Re: "At least one track must be armed for recording." ?

    This should be in the Producer's Corner. I'll move it for you.

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  5. #5

    Re: "At least one track must be armed for recording." ?

    these drivers are rare to found nowadays because of advanced Technology
    old drivers are lost and nobody uses them.

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