Rule of thumb, anyone who posts in their own nomination thread trying to sway should be barred from legends flat out! I am serous, I had too many kids argue with me when I declined the nomination. That right there should be a red flag, the very same kids argueed with me, beefed with me, and wanted to put peices of work in legends that were later found to be bitten! What ever I can do to protect legends be assured I will do it, but members have to understand that because their drops don't make it, doesn't mean we are hating on them. Get over it people, everyone is not going to make legends, you may have a damn good drop but doesn;t mean it's legendary. Crews need to inforce this amongst your members, most of the problems have been generated by a Crew's lack of integrity. I have read threads in which a crew member asks his crew to nominate his latest peice, that should be checked. If someone asks you to nominate their peice, please shut them the fuck down! You can ask for some feed, but don't push it!